Pricing + Services




Initial Traditional Chinese Medicine Visit:

Comprehensive evaluation of your health history.

Evaluation of the current issue. Collaborative development of a treatment plan. Typically a 90 minute visit.


Follow-up visit:

Based on the treatment plan developed on the initial visit. These visits are 45-60 minutes.


Focused Acupuncture:

A 30 minute visit when working on a specific area requiring 10 or less needles.



An ancient Chinese treatment used to loosen muscle fibers and connective tissues, increase blood flow, promote healing and restore flexibility and movement to injured areas. This modality maybe used alone or in addition to other treatment modalities. Used alone these visits are 30 minutes.

Initial Visit: $65.00 Follow-up Visit - $50.00

 Herbal Consult:

After a comprehensive evaluation and review of the current issues and medications an herbal formula will be recommended.  This visit will be approximately 60 minutes.

Initial Visit $110.00 Follow-up Visit $70.00

Home visit for Hospice/End of Life Care

This specialized visit is a charitable visit for patients and families at End of Life. Judy will come to your home and provide education to family/caregivers in providing non-pharmacological options to relieve pain and provide comfort to the patient or loved one.

NAET - Nambudripad’s Allergy Elimination Technique

This treatment option is based on Chinese Medicine. Dr. Nambudripad is a Chinese Medicine Practitioner and Western Medical Doctor who has developed a technique to reprogram the body in its response to allergens. Thus allowing people to live happier healthier lives allergy free. Visit for more information.

Initial Visit : $110.00 Follow-up: $50.00



